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27 August 1999 - 1:30am
Still Holding On

I'll make this update short and to the point since I need to get some sleep.

I left Rachel at the hospital around 12:30am, Friday morning after she had
been having more contractions on Thursday evening.  They immediately
put her on the contraction monitor and check the babies heartbeats and
determined they the babies were OK but her contractions weren't going
to lead to anything good.  The doctor ordered another dose of the
anti-contraction medication and it was repeated about four hours later.
The contractions have once again leveled off and she is hanging on.

The doctor gave us a statistic that most pregnancies where a rupture
occurs usually deliver within 7 days.  We'll see how true that holds.
He basically kept telling us that they would do what they could but
the babies would come when the babies wanted to come and there
wouldn't be much to stop them.  However, each day Rachel keeps the
babies is 3 days they don't have to stay in intensive care.  So far she's
saved them 6 days.

More later...

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